Monday, May 4, 2009

hope pt.25

it was a night i will neveeer forget,ever!

"thank you so much babe..:*" to aziz

"anytime 7ayati..there's a surprise btw :p"-aziz

"hehe what ?? (A)"- to aziz

"3abalich 8abe ? its a surprise babe :D..go home and see ;) "-aziz

awal ma rikabt il sayara (the driver came to pick me up la2na my mom was still freaked out about the "acceident") .

me: yallaaaaaa patriic go home fast !!

patric: ok ok jawa..vat i do? FLY?

me: YES YES !

patric: ayooo ! ok ok vait 5 minitus we reaching to house.

me: fine :/

awal ma i went home my mom came to me runing ! i was like sisalfa 3asa ma a7ad 9aar fe shay?

me: haaw mama shfeech !!

she came and hugged me..ok this seems bad?..whats wroong !

me: MAMA tikalimay shfeech ga3ed it5ar3nny!

mama: waaay binty kbarat !


mama: gabel shway daagat 3alay wa7da kanat ma3ay bil jam3a isimha um aziz.


me: ee ee ok kamlaay.

mama: fa galat ina tabe ta56ibiich 5ag waladha !


mama: aziz Al m***** !

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !! that was the surprise ! THATS IT! umbaaih umbaaaih i cant breathe! aby maay WATER..i sat at the nearest couch.

me: mama ma-maay!

mama: weeh shfeech yuma ?? LINDA BRING WATER FOR JAWA.

i drank the water and started to breathe heavily..la2ne mo im9adga..o 6ab3an im happy !!

mama: ha shgiltay 7abebty?

me: wala madre mama..ily itshoiufeena.

mama: tara il walad 5oush wa7id min 3ayla mo7tarama..o wilni3im fgehum wala..o uma ana a3arifha o ham wilni3im feha..ana a36eech space now to think o ba3dain tell me.

me: inshalla mama.

awal ma i went up to my room i ran and juped on my bed ! i was happy..wila faj2a.

"ha shrayich bil surprise?:*" from aziz.

i called him..tooot..tooot

me: ALO!

aziz: hehe alooo..hala o '3ala.

me: inta nawe u kill me ilyoum 9a7?

aziz: hehe laiish smila 3laaiich !

me: *sikat..i felt shy shwaya*

aziz: fidait ily yisti7oun wala *mwah*

me: hehhee

aziz: did u like the surprise 7ayate?

me: mmm..

aziz: hehe lai7een mista7ya haa?

me: shako mingal

aziz: 7ayate intay ..can i ask you shay?

me: anything

aziz: will you be mine for ever?

me: yes..7abebe

aziz: ya3ne imwaf8a?

me: mmm.

aziz: HUH SHINO ANA GA3ED A7LIM?! the luckiest guy ever tadreen !

i felt him do a happy dance..7abeby wala:*...



i told my mom about jawa..o ina abeha..6a3an there were water works o il kalam like "waaaay wlaiidy kibar..wa25eeran bashoufiik mi3riis"

as soon as i told her she called jawa's mom to talk to her.

wila maraw like 5 hours then i called jawa la2na 3araft by then her mom had told her !

youm sa2alt'ha ina itha she'll be mine forever o galat ee ina a shy way ! i got up o did my small dance..sawatne as3ad wa7id ib hal dinya kilahaaaa! a7ibha o mo m9adga inha ra7 itkoun my wife to be!


  1. welcome back;* I missed you:**

  2. awww this is sooo sweet;** they're engaged WOHOO

  3. CUPID: i miiiiiseed u more:** heheh yes !! :D

  4. welcome back - fara7teena allah yfar7ich doom inshallah

  5. 3anooda: hehe thanks 7abebty:*

  6. Oh thank you that was a very cute and suger filled post :)
    welcome back by the way :)

  7. your welcome anytime:* thankyou babe:*


  8. missed you beautiful ;**

    AKEEEED she will say yes, leana if she doesnt she will have to deal with me :D

    I cant wait till the next post ;**

  9. love: i missed you more babe:*
    haha ee 8a9bin 3alaiiha she says yes ! and if she dosent ana wiyach 3aliiha :p

    inshalla soon:*

  10. OMG!!!!!! I couldn't stop smiling while reading it XD This is sooooo sweeeet aaa5 bs!!
    I can't wait for the next post <3 she will say yes yes pls

  11. ஜMisSღDxBஜ: thaank yoou ! im glad you likes it baaabe:** inshalla soon ! :)

  12. mashallah mwa9la 25 3yal ma ynfa3 agraa darb LOL

  13. LOOL .. la mo darb wayid :p
