Wednesday, April 8, 2009

hope pt.20


it was all the same for about a month..jawa hasent woke up daily rutine everyday was jam3a jawa..jam3a jawa..i visit her everyday..her mother never left her side so i coulkdent actually go inside the room to see her..her face..everyday reem added lebello cherry chapstick on jawa's lips to keep them from getting dry..sij hal youm kbaraty ib 3ainy..i never saw such a caring sister..mashalla 3alaiha..allah iwafigha.

i was facing the wall just thinking..then a i heard a voice..

um jawa: aziz?

me: h-hala khalte

um jawa: aziz laish matrou7 il bait itrayii7 yuma? ga3ed chithe min il sib7..wala mo zain 3ala 9i7itiik...tit3ab chithe

me: laa khalte ta3abkum ra7a..ana ga3ed miny 3ashan itha i7tijtay shay.

um jawa: inzain ta3al dish da5il..ga3ed bara laish.

me: la khalte mala da3ee..may5alaif wala mirta7 hnee.

umj jawa: laaaaa2 mako..ra7 itdish tig3ad da5il.

me: *smile* ily iray7iich khalte.

dashaina da5il..wila she was just sleeping there..galbe kan ib yi6la3 min kint adre love of my life was just lying there..and looked so beautifull..just like an angel..wila i saw her lips..they wernt all..allah i3afe rayouma..i sat with her mother to keep her company o ga3dna insolif..while we were talking, dash uboha..S H I T ! walaain tiwahagtt !

me: isalaam 3alaiikum..*shaking his hand*

ubo jawa: wa3alaiikum il salam

um jawa: bu3abdili6eef hatha zameel jawa biljam3a..mar 3alaiha ishoouf jawa isma aziz al m*****

obu jawa: hala wala..7ayallah min yanah..shlonik yuba?

me: b5air allah isalmiik 3ame ..inta shlonik?

ubo jawa: wala il7imdilla

me: yala ma3alsalama..ana asta2thiin.

um jawa: laaa waaain?

me: la wala khalte 3indy jam3a.. ba3ad tadreen.

um jawa: ee wee allah i3eenik o allah iwafgiik..salim 3ala umik.

me: inshalla khalte you9aal..yala 3ame ma3alsalama..tamroun 3ala shay?

ubo jawa: la salamtik yuba..allah ma3ak.

i went out and actually was surprised .. ina ubo jawa's reaction kan 3ade o mu im3a99ib..thank God.

i texted reema o tell her iny tawne 6ali3 min jawa o ina i saw her dad..she called me 3ala 6oul !!

Reema: you saw ubooy??

me: haha eee laiish shfeeech???

Reema: o-o ma 9ar shayyy?

me: laa2 reemo shfeech ma 9ar shay..laiish?

Reemo: oo5 ' dad wasnt that "type" yimkin he liked you :p

BTW ya nas reema new ina i was inlove with jawa..

me: sij? ma hagaita ..he was kind o 3ade.

i closed it from reema..

I MISS JAWA..walhaan 3alaiiha walaah mo 6abee3y..ive been so lifeless bidounha..i want to hear her voice..WALA I DO..kilyoum i expect inha she wakes up..but she dosent


  1. uhhh this is heart breaking .... he goes there everyday <3<3<3...

    love ur posts daahling..thanx 4 posting :***

  2. Oh aziz and jawa :(
    i feel so sad :(
    yalla give them there happy ending and i think the mother was nice :)
    maskeen he is breaking my heart :(
    walla everyone has sad post :(
    need a happy one soon please

  3. I really need to know what happens next .... 7aram jawa and aziz :(
    I hope its a happy ending .... LOVE <3

  4. I reeaaaad it!! haha I just remembered.. waaalllaaa amazing story ;** 7araam very sad
    ;( .. can't wait for more ;**

  5. RadayVoo: thanks babe for reading
