Saturday, February 28, 2009

hope pt.10

i was scared what was i supposed to do.. tidodaht..he was eyeing me..o i told nooniie .. ihya ba3ad 5afat, he wore his aviators that had a reflective lence so i didnt know exactly what was he looking at. I parked i got down of my car and headed to choco bar ma3a nooniie everything seemed normal until the "stanger" came along and sat on the tabel infront of us. now i was FREAKING OUT..shyabe hathaa?? what does he want from me?? my phone beeped with a msg ..

+965990..: ana amot 3ala il aswad ily labsita intay;*

WHAT THE HELL..akeed its the stanger..but how did he get my number?? i told nooniie..we both didnt know what to do

"good morrning jooj;*" from aziz.

" good morrning..umm aziz remember that starnger ily shifta hatheek il mara biljam3iya :s.. well he's following me..ana ib choco bar ma3a Nooniie o hes here ..madre shasawe:(" my msg

" ay choco bar?" - aziz

" il bidi3 " - me

wila faj2a after 10 mins he was there.. yes yes AZIZ.. he brought his friend along ..Mohammed (6ab3an nooniie matat..cuz she had this small crush on him)

mohammed and aziz : hala banat .. shlonkum?

me and nooniie: ahlaain..tamam sha5barkum? 7ayakum sit with us.

as soon as they sat the starnger had this look of anger an left. i was so relived some way 7asat aziz a hero hehe :p they sat with us nooniie and mohammed hit it off..mashalla they were ment for each other they both had the same personality and when me and aziz talked they say the same things toghether and at the same time was funny. we all had this great time. youm khala9na gimna kilina..i decieded to give nooniie and mohammed some space.

aziz:haha shakilhum they like each other.

me: hehe inta ba3ad la7ath't

aziz: yess..jooj comeon ashkara imbayin.

me: they look cute with eachother

aziz: comeon 7amood is NOT cute . he said in a jokingly way

me: ur mean ( i said while pushing him..we started laughing)

aziz: ya zeen hal tha7ka wala i just blushed aziz: o ya 7alat ily yith7ikooon.

me: yala 3ad aziz stop it :$

aziz: tamreen amir intay he said it as he kissed my hand..i felt his soft lips in my hands wich made me have this funny feeling all over my body.

as we all said our goodbyes and each one went to his car noonie irkibat wiyay..awal ma she closed her door all i hear was..



nooniie: hes so sweet.

me: haha ee imbayiin..he seems to like u

nooniie: SIJ:O NO WAAY

me:yes waaayy.

MEANWHILE.. th guys were saying..


  1. I just read all your blog and I have one thing to say..

    AMAZING ;p

    I looooved it, and 3zooz is so adorable, o 7asa ina the stranger is coming back! it please kamlay I want to know what the guys were saying ;p


    inshalla a new post soon :)

  3. Heey! I just read the story kelaha.. Its amazing! Wayed 7elwaa! Keep up the good work;)

    Next post pls I really enjoyed reading it;**

    PS: make your posts longer cuz they are kinda short! thaankss;**

  4. your blog is really great!!!
    keep it up!!
    and of course he's combing back they always do:s guys just can't take no for an answer:p

  5. Exquisite: thankyou babe ;* inshalla :)

    finicky: thankyouu:* haha exactly

  6. I just finshed reading all the part and their AMAZING! wallah i love it, please post asap;* im addicted!
    and can you please remove the word verification;*
